Do I Need an Attorney After a Car Accident in Mountlake Terrace WA?

As if being in a car accident in Mountlake Terrace WA isn't stressful enough, after such a crash you need to decide if there's any reason to hire an attorney. Whether to hire a lawyer after an auto accident may not always be obvious because it really depends on what happened and what injuries occurred to whom.
Make an appointment with your Mountlake Terrace WA upper cervical chiropractor
After any car accident, you should make an appointment with your upper cervical chiropractor to ensure you are injury-free. You may feel fine, but it's always a good idea to be checked out right away. If the accident was simply a fender bender and no one was injured, you probably don't need a lawyer, and you can handle everything through your insurance agent. However, if you or anyone in your vehicle was hurt in the car accident, especially if there is a permanent injury, or if you lose significant time from work, school or household duties, you should seek out a lawyer to represent a claim against anyone who might be responsible for your injuries.
There are some instances where you absolutely should hire a lawyer after an accident. For example, if there's been a serious or permanent injury, or a death has occurred. In this case, make sure your visit to the chiropractor is well documented so that any evidence of your injury is backed up with data in court. In addition, if the fault is an issue, you have no insurance or are having insurance problems, the accident happened in a construction area or something is inaccurately described in the accident report and you're put at fault, you should consult an attorney.
Knowing when to involve a lawyer is not a clear science, however, and there may be other instances where legal counsel could be appropriate, depending on your situation. For example, if fault may be an issue, a lawyer can help demystify the situation. If your insurance agent doesn't seem to be looking out for your best interests, you're confused by your policy or you're not sure how to handle negotiations with an insurer, it may be time to find a lawyer. In addition, if you don't know your rights or you're unsure how to handle all the paperwork and forms (and you don't understand what they all mean), consider hiring an attorney.
After a car accident, the first thing you need to focus on is your health, safety, and wellbeing. You won't always need a lawyer to help mitigate the waters after an accident, but if your case is complicated and your health has been compromised, it's important to do what you need to in order to return to a sense of normalcy. If hiring an attorney helps you navigate the complications of a crash, then do what is best for you.
9:00am - 11:15am
2:00pm - 5:30pm
9:00am - 11:15am
9:30am - 11:30am
9:30am - 11:00am
2:00pm - 5:30pm
1:00pm - 4:00pm
10:30am - 11:30am
Vitality Specific Chiropractic
24000 Van Ry Blvd Suite 108
Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043